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Fill in a PDF Form

 Watch a short video on filling in PDF forms
 Approx. length: 2 minutes



Please note that not all PDF forms are fillable. Sometimes form creators don’t save their PDFs as fillable forms, or they intentionally create forms to be printed and filled out by hand. These non-interactive forms are called flat forms, and can’t be filled in using PDF Complete.


  1. Open your PDF Complete application. Click the Windows Start button, then PDF Complete.
  2. Open a fillable PDF form.
  3. Click in an input field, and type in a value. If nothing happens when you click in a field (i.e., it does not become editable), then you are probably working with a non-fillable or flat form.
  4. Press Tab (on your keyboard) to accept the input. Press tab again and the cursor will move to the next field in the form.
  5. Click the Save icon from the menu bar to save your work. If you want to save a copy of your work (and leave the original file unchanged), click No, and enter a new name for your filled-in form. Click Yes to overwrite the original blank form with your edited version.

You can re-open the form and edit your entries as often as needed.

You can use the following keyboard shortcuts to move around form fields in a fillable PDF form:

Key(s) Result
Tab (Shift + Tab) Accepts input and moves to the next (or prior) field
Enter or Return (multiline text field) Creates paragraph return in same form field
Space bar + Enter Turns check box on or off
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