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Text Box

Using the Text Box feature, you can add text on top of an existing PDF document.

  1. Open your PDF document.
  2. Switch to Edit Mode. To do so: click the  icon on the toolbar.
    - OR -
    Right-click on the document and select Edit from the right-click menu.

  3. Wait for the Edit toolbar to appear.
  4. Select the Text Box icon.
  5. Click on the page that you want to add the Text Box.
  6. Remove place-holding text and enter desired text in the box.
  7. Click and drag the box Knobs to adjust the size and shape of the text box. Click on any side of the box and drag it to the desired location.

    Note: Right-clicking on a Text Box offers additional options including adjusting the transparancy, background, font, margins and boarder of the Text Box.
    • To adjust the text size and font, hold cursor down and drag over text to select.
    • Once the text has been selected (highlighted), right -click and select Set Font.
  8. To delete the Typeover Text box including text inside, right-click on the text box and select Exit and Delete from the right- click menu.
  9. Choose next to Close to exit out of Edit Mode.

Tip: This tool can be a useful for filling in forms and adding page numbers to existing PDF documents.




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