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Copying Text

Using the Select Mode, text can be copied and pasted into a different application.

  1. Open your PDF document.
  2. To edit in the Viewer, Switch to Select Mode. To do so, click the  icon on the toolbar.
    - OR -
    To copy from the Editor, Switch to Edit Mode. To do so, click the  icon on the toolbar. and click .

  3. Left-click and drag your cursor over the text you wish to copy, to select it.
  4. Right-click on the selected text and choose Copy in the Viewer. Or Edit and then Copy for the Editor. This will save the content to your Microsoft Clipboard.
  5. Open the application that you want to paste the information into.
  6. Click on the document where you want the copied text to be added, wait for cursor to appear.
  7. Right-click in the document and choose Paste.
    - OR -
    Click Edit on the menu bar and choose Paste. The clipboard information will be inserted into the document.
Note: You can also use keyboard shortcuts to copy (Ctrl + C) and paste (Ctrl +V) content.
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